Jedinečný nůž je fantasy román anglického spisovatele Philipa Pullmana. Spolu s knihami Zlatý kompas a Jantarové kukátko tvoří trilogii Jeho temné esence. Děj osciluje mezi třemi světy: naším, Lyřiným, kde každý člověk má svého démona, a světem Cittagaze.
Clockwork is an illustrated short children's novel by Philip Pullman, first published in the United Kingdom in 1996 by Doubleday. It was first published in the United States by Arthur A. Levine Books in 1998. The Doubleday edition was illustrated by Peter Bailey and the Arthur A. Levine Books edition was illustrated …
The Broken Bridge is a 1990 young adult novel by Philip Pullman. Set in Wales around Cardigan Bay, it tells the story of Ginny Howard, a young mixed-race girl, an aspiring artist, who discovers she has a half-brother and that her mother may still be alive.
I was a Rat! or The Scarlet Slippers is a children's novel written by British author Philip Pullman. It was published in 1999.
Jantarové kukátko je fantasy román anglického spisovatele Philipa Pullmana. Patří spolu se Zlatým kompasem a Jedinečným nožem do trilogie Jeho temné esence.
Lyra's Oxford is a short book by Philip Pullman depicting an episode involving the heroine of His Dark Materials, Pullman's best-selling trilogy. Lyra's Oxford is set when Lyra Silvertongue is 15, two years after the end of the trilogy. It was released to quench the thirst of fans of the trilogy while they wait for …