Chthon is a science fiction novel by Piers Anthony, originally released in 1967. It was Anthony's first published novel, and was nominated for both the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1967 and the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1968. Its sequel is Phthor and two additional novels in the series were written by Charles …

Cluster is the 1st book of the Cluster Series published in 1977 that was written by Piers Anthony.

Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn is the eighth book of the Xanth series by Piers Anthony. This book is a story within a story as one of Castle Roogna's ghosts, Jordan the Barbarian, tells Princess Ivy his story of betrayal and death via the magical medium of the Tapestry.

Currant Events is the twenty-eighth book of the Xanth series by Piers Anthony, and the first book in the second Xanth trilogy.

Demons Don't Dream is the sixteenth book of the Xanth series by Piers Anthony. The Companions of Xanth computer game was marketed in a box set along with this novel. The game and novel share a storyline in which Kim and Dug, two Mundane teenagers, play a mysterious computer game that magically transports them to the …