The Sixth Day and Other Tales, written by Primo Levi, is a collection of short stories, originally published in Storie naturali and Vizio di forma. Unlike the author's earlier and better-known works, these stories may be considered science fiction.

This is the principal English language collection of poems by the Italian author Primo Levi.

The Mirror Maker is a collection of stories and essays by Italian author Primo Levi originally published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa.

A Tranquil Star: Unpublished Stories of Primo Levi is a 2007 anthology of short stories by the Italian writer Primo Levi. Released 20 years after Levi's death, the book consists of seventeen stories previously unpublished in English. The stories were translated by Ann Goldstein, an editor at The New Yorker and …

Other People's Trades are fifty-one essays written by Primo Levi between 1969 and 1985. These are, according to Levi, "the fruit of my roaming about as a curious dilettante for more than a decade." Mainly written for his regular column in La Stampa, the Turin daily newspaper], these essays range from book reviews, …

Moments of Reprieve is a book of autobiographical character studies/vignettes by Primo Levi. The book features fifteen character studies of people the author met during his time in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Some of the vignettes feature characters who have already appeared in If This is a Man and The Truce, …

The Wrench, published in the US under the title of The Monkey's Wrench, was one of Primo Levi's collections of stories. First published as La Chiave a Stella by Einaudi in 1978, the book was written after Levi had retired from SIVA. It takes the form of an interview by a chemist of a rigger. They are both working in a …