Tetrabiblos 'four books', also known in Greek as Apotelesmatiká "Effects", and in Latin as Quadripartitum "Four Parts", is a text on the philosophy and practice of astrology, written in the 2nd century AD by the Alexandrian scholar Claudius Ptolemy. Ptolemy's Almagest was an authoritative text on astronomy for more …
"Almagest" on Aleksandria astronoomi Ptolemaiose ja kogu vanakreeka astronoomia peateos, antiikastronoomia tähtsaim allikas. See on antiikaja matemaatilise astronoomia ning geotsentrilise maailmasüsteemi kanooniline esitus, mis jäi astronoomia aluseks kuni Kopernikuni. Raamatu algne pealkiri oli Μαθηματικὴ …