《소송》은 1914년에서 1915년까지 집필된 프란츠 카프카의 장편 소설이다. 이유도 모른 채 재판을 받게 된 남자 요제프 K. 갖은 노력을 하고 분투했음에도, 그는 비참하게 처형 당하게 되는 데, 소설은 이 과정을 묘사하고 있다. 카프카가 살아 있을 때에는 발표되지 않았고, 그가 죽은 후 1927년 친구 막스 브로트가 편집 및 출판을 맡았다. 내용에 결말이 존재하지만, 각각의 장은 단편이므로 전체적으로는 미완의 …

Nominated for three 2010 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards: From Creation to the death of Joseph, here are all 50 chapters of the Book of Genesis, revealingly illustrated as never before. Envisioning the first book of the bible like no one before him, R. Crumb, the legendary illustrator, reveals here the story of …

"What do I have in common with the Jews? I don't even have anything in common with myself". Nothing could better express the essence of Franz Kafka, a man described by his friends as living behind a "glass wall". Kafka wrote in the tradition of the great Yiddish storytellers, whose stock-in-trade was bizarre fantasy, …

Orpheus Emerged is a novella written by Jack Kerouac in 1945 when he was at Columbia University. The novella was discovered after his death and published in 2002. Orpheus Emerged chronicles the passions, conflicts, and dreams of a group of bohemians searching for truth while studying at a university. Kerouac wrote the …