image of Rachel Carsonová

Rachel Carsonová

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Silent Spring je kniha americké bioložky a spisovatelky Rachel Carsonové, která byla poprvé vydána v roce 1962 nakladatelstvím Houghton Mifflin, Kniha je považována za jednu z nejdůležitějších v oblastí literatury faktu ve 20. století a za jeden impulsů ke vzniku hnutí pro ochranu životního prostředí. Carson knihu …

... Unknown

The Sea Around Us is a prize-winning and best-selling book by the American marine biologist Rachel Carson, first published as a whole by Oxford University Press in 1951. It reveals the science and poetry of the sea while ranging from its primeval beginnings to the latest scientific probings. Often described as …

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In this book, the author "affirms her belief that those who live with the mysteries of earth, sea, and sky are never alone or weary of life ... Her narrative and photographsthat accompany it chart the paths which adult and child can take together on this journey of discovery.

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