Odysea kapitána Blooda je historický dobrodružný román anglického spisovatele Rafaela Sabatiniho o muži, který za to, že jako lékař ošetřil raněného povstalce proti anglickému králi Jakubovi II. byl odsouzen na otrocké práce na Barbados, podařilo se mu ale uprchnout, stát se slavným pirátem a po omilostnění guvernérem …

Scaramouche is an historical novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1921. A romantic adventure, Scaramouche tells the story of a young lawyer during the French Revolution. In the course of his adventures he becomes an actor portraying "Scaramouche". He also becomes a revolutionary, politician, and …

The Sea Hawk is a novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1915. The story is set over the years 1588–1593 and concerns a retired Cornish seafaring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. After being forced to serve as a slave on a galley, Sir Oliver is …