Le intime e struggenti confessioni del celebre poeta austriaco (1875-1926) a un suo giovane corrispondente che gli chiedeva un giudizio sulle sue poesie: una sorta di lezione fatta soprattutto di insegnamenti spirituali.

Sei anni di incessante lavoro precedono l’uscita del libro, nel 1910, e dieci anni di “siccità” artistica la seguono. Sorta di romanzo-diario autobiografico, il Malte è la documentazione artistica, e per molti aspetti rivoluzionaria, di una tormentosa condizione esistenziale: quella dell’artista chiuso nella propria …

Named after the Castle of Duino on a rocky headland of the Adriatic, the "Duino Elegies" speak in a voice that is both intimate and majestic on the mysteries of human life and our attempt, in the words of the translator, "to use our self-consciousness to some advantage: to transcend, through art and the imagination, …

The Sonnets to Orpheus are a cycle of 55 sonnets written in 1922 by the Bohemian-Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke. It was first published the following year. Rilke, who is "widely recognized as one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets," wrote the cycle in a period of three weeks experiencing what he …

The Book of Images is a collection of poetry by the Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke. It was first published in 1902 by Axel Juncker Verlag. It consists of individual poems written from 1899 and forward. An extended version was published in 1906, after Rilke had written The Book of Hours, with …