人類は火星へ火星へと寄せ波のように押し寄せ、やがて地球人の村ができ、町ができ、哀れな火星人たちは、その廃墟からしだいに姿を消していった……抒情と幻想の詩人が、オムニバス中・短篇によって紡ぎあげた、SF文学史上に燦然と輝く永遠の記念碑。新たな序文と二短篇を加えた〔新版〕を底本とする電子書籍版登場。 …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is a 1962 fantasy novel by Ray Bradbury. It is about 13-year-old best friends, Jim Nightshade and William Halloway, and their nightmarish experience with a traveling carnival that comes to their Midwestern town on one October. The carnival's leader is the mysterious "Mr. Dark" who …

たんぽぽのお酒 (文学のおくりもの 1) 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) 輝く夏の陽ざしのなか、12歳の少年ダグラスはそよ風にのって走る。その多感な心にきざまれる数々の不思議な事件と黄金の夢…。夏のはじめに仕込んだタンポポのお酒一壜一壜にこめられた、少年の愛と孤独と夢と成長の物語。「イメージの魔術師」ブラッドベリがおくる少年ファンタジーの永遠の名作。12歳からみんな。 …

The October Country is a 1955 collection of nineteen macabre short stories by Ray Bradbury. It reprints fifteen of the twenty-seven stories of his 1947 collection Dark Carnival, and adds four more of his stories previously published elsewhere. The collection was published in numerous editions by Ballantine Books. The …

I Sing the Body Electric! is a 1969 collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury. The book takes its name from an included short story of the same title, which took the title from a poem by Walt Whitman published in his collection Leaves of Grass.

The Halloween Tree is a 1972 fantasy novel by American author Ray Bradbury which traces the history of Samhain and Halloween.

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity is a collection of essays by Ray Bradbury and published in 1990. The unifying theme is Bradbury's love for writing. Essays included are: The Joy of Writing Run Fast, Stand Still, Or, The Thing At the Top of the Stairs, Or, New Ghosts From Old Minds How To Keep and Feed a …

From the Dust Returned is a fix-up fantasy novel by Ray Bradbury published in 2001. The novel is largely created from a series of short stories Bradbury wrote decades earlier, centering around a family of Illinois-based monsters and ghosts named the Elliotts. The stories originally appeared in the magazines The …