《雪人》是由英国作家雷蒙‧布利吉斯于1978年在汉弥顿出版社所出版的童书。1982年,这部动画是由于伦敦第四频道的开办,因而委任英国首席动画公司制作,并由戴安‧杰克森所执导。 当雪人在1982年平安夜于伦敦第四频道首播时,便得到了很大的回响,并在1983年的时候提名为奥斯卡最佳动画短片,每年的播映也已经成为英国当地及国际间过耶诞节的传统。卡通版本的雪人是由撰写乐谱及歌词的霍华‧布列克来进行配乐的工作,为了这部动画,他也在自己的管弦乐团--伦敦城市交响乐团中,担任作曲及指挥的角色。 这本童书及动画都没有对白,反而以图片、动作及音乐来叙述整篇的故事,不但使内容深深打动人心,而且也能以各种语言来出版到世界各地。 …

Ethel and Ernest is a graphic novel by English author and illustrator Raymond Briggs. It tells the story of the lives of Briggs' parents from their first meeting in 1928 to their deaths in 1971.

When the Wind Blows is a 1982 graphic novel, by British artist Raymond Briggs, that shows a nuclear attack on Britain by the Soviet Union from the viewpoint of a retired couple, Jim and Hilda Bloggs. The book was later made into an animated film.

Fungus the Bogeyman is a children's picture book by British artist Raymond Briggs. It follows one day in the life of the titular character, a working class Bogeyman with the mundane job of scaring human beings.

A graphic novel classic from one of the world's best-known cartoonistsGentleman Jim is the story of Jim Bloggs, an imaginative toilet cleaner who, dissatisfied with his station in life, devotes his time to envisioning a world beyond it. His walls are lined with books like Out in the Silver West, The Boys' Book of …

The Tin-Pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman is a 1984 picture book, ostensibly for very young children, written and illustrated by Raymond Briggs and published by Hamish Hamilton. It satirises the Falklands War. The book presents the story of the war in the format of a picture book for young children. It is …