Syvä uni on Raymond Chandlerin romaani vuodelta 1939. Syvä uni oli Chandlerin ensimmäinen Philip Marlowe -romaani. Sitä pidetään yhtenä Chandlerin parhaista teoksista ja yhtenä merkittävimmistä kovaksikeitetyn rikoskirjallisuuden teoksista. Time-lehti valitsi kirjan sadan parhaan englanninkielisen romaanin 1923–2005 …

Pitkät jäähyväiset on Raymond Chandlerin vuonna 1953 julkaistu romaani. Teos on lajityypiltään ns. kovaksi keitetty dekkari, jonka päähenkilönä on Chandlerin tunnettu salapoliisiluomus, yksityisetsivä Philip Marlowe. Kirja on saavuttanut menestystä ja arvostusta Chandlerin tunnetuimpien teosten Syvä uni ja Näkemiin, …

Näkemiin, kaunokaiseni on yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailija Raymond Chandlerin romaani, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1940. Romaanin päähenkilö on Philip Marlowe, jota juuri vankilasta vapaaksi päässyt Hirvi-Malloy pyytää etsimään entistä tyttöystäväänsä. Marlowe on samaan aikaan ottanut myös toisen tehtävän Lindsay Marriottin …

Crime fiction master Raymond Chandler's fourth novel featuring Philip Marlowe, the "quintessential urban private eye" (Los Angeles Times). In The Lady in the Lake, hardboiled crime fiction master Raymond Chandler brings us the story of a couple of missing wives—one a rich man's and one a poor man's—who have become the …

Crime fiction master Raymond Chandler's third novel featuring Philip Marlowe, the "quintessential urban private eye" (Los Angeles Times). A wealthy Pasadena widow with a mean streak, a missing daughter-in-law with a past, and a gold coin worth a small fortune—the elements don't quite add up until Marlowe discovers …

The Little Sister is a 1949 novel by Raymond Chandler, the fifth in his popular Philip Marlowe series. The story is set in late 1940s Los Angeles. The novel centers on the little sister of a Hollywood starlet and has several scenes involving the film industry. It was partly inspired by Chandler's experience working as …

Playback is the final complete novel by Raymond Chandler, which features his iconic creation Philip Marlowe. It was published in 1958, the year before his death.

In The Simple Art of Murder, which was prefaced by the famous Atlantic Monthly essay of the same name, noir master Raymond Chandler argues the virtues of the hard-boiled detective novel, and this collection, mostly drawn from stories he wrote for the pulps, demonstrates Chandler's imaginative, entertaining facility …

Poodle Springs is the eighth Philip Marlowe novel. It was started in 1958 by Raymond Chandler, who left it unfinished at his death in 1959. The four chapters he had completed, which bore the working title "The Poodle Springs Story", were subsequently published in Raymond Chandler Speaking, a collection of letter …