Srebrzysty cierń – trzecia część Sagi o wojnie światów amerykańskiego pisarza Raymonda E. Feista. Choć wojna pomiędzy Królestwem Wysp a Imperium Tsuranich za sprawą tajemniczego maga Macrosa Czarnego dobiegła do nieoczekiwanego końca, okazuje się, iż to nie koniec problemów na Midkemii. Zamieszkujące na północy …

Mrok w Sethanon to czwarta część Sagi o wojnie światów amerykańskiego pisarza Raymonda E. Feista. Na Królestwo Wysp ruszają Moredhelowie, Mroczne Elfy i Gobliny, prowadzone przez Murmandamusa. Okazuje się jednak, iż ich celem jest wyłącznie zdobycie Kamienia Życia, starożytnego artefaktu rasy znanej jako Valheru, …

Adept magii – pierwsza część Sagi o wojnie światów amerykańskiego pisarza Raymonda E. Feista. Poznajemy w niej losy dwóch chłopców Puga oraz Tomasa mieszkających w znajdującym się na rubieżach Królestwa Wysp mieście Crydee. Już niebawem trafią oni w wir wydarzeń nadchodzącej inwazji ze strony obcej cywilizacji, …

Magic and murder engulf the realm of Kelewan. Fierce warlords ignite a bitter blood feud to enslave the empire of Tsuranuanni. While in the opulent Imperial courts, assassins and spy-master plot cunning and devious intrigues against the rightful heir. Now Mara, a young, untested Ruling lady, is called upon to lead her …

Servant of the Empire is a fantasy novel by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts. Published in 1990, it is the second book in the Empire Trilogy, preceded by 1987's Daughter of the Empire and followed by Mistress of the Empire in 1992.

Following on from "Daughter of the Empire" and "Servant of the Empire", this book completes the trilogy. Now Mara faces not only the brotherhood of assassins, and the cunning spies of the rival ruling houses, but the awesome Assembly of Magicians, who see her as a threat to their power.

Prince of the Blood is a fantasy novel by Raymond E. Feist. It is the first book of the Krondor's Sons series and was published in 1989. It was later followed by The King's Buccaneer in 1992. A 15th anniversary "author's preferred" edition with portions of the book significantly rewritten was released in 2004. The …

Shadow of a Dark Queen is a fantasy novel by Raymond E. Feist. It is the first book in the The Serpentwar Saga and was first published in June 1994. It was followed by Rise of a Merchant Prince which was published in 1995.

Rise of a Merchant Prince chronicles the further exploits of the young protagonists of Shadow of a Dark Queen in the aftermath of the initial confrontation with the fearsome reptilian Sauur and the invading armies of the dreaded Emerald Queen.

Rage of a Demon King is the third book in Raymond E. Feist's Serpentwar Saga and the eleventh book of his Riftwar cycle. It was published in 1997 in the United States by Avon Books and the United Kingdom by Harper Collins. At the opening of the novel Erik Von Darkmoor is helping to train soldiers for The Kingdom's …