גבעת ווטרשיפ הוא ספרו הראשון והמפורסם ביותר של ריצ'רד אדמס. הספר ראה אור באנגליה ב-1972. הספר מבוסס על אוסף סיפורים אשר סיפר אדמס לבנותיו במהלך טיול לסטרטפורד על אייוון, ומאוחר יותר הפצירו בו להפוך אותם לספר. הספר זכה להצלחה רבה מיד לאחר פרסומו, תורגם לשפות רבות וזכה בפרסים שונים. ב-1978 יצא סרט מצויר בעקבות הספר, …

Tales from Watership Down is a collection of nineteen short stories by Richard Adams, published in 1996 as a follow-up to Adams's highly successful 1972 novel about rabbits, Watership Down. It consists of a number of short stories of rabbit mythology, followed by several chapters featuring many of the characters …

The Plague Dogs is the third novel by Richard Adams, author of Watership Down, about two dogs who escape an animal testing facility and are subsequently pursued by both the government and the media. It was first published in 1977, and features a few location maps drawn by Alfred Wainwright, a fellwalker and author.

A shy young man meets a beautiful woman in the company of a young girl. He finds himself swept off of his feet and married to her, bringing her with him to live in his family home. She is his erotic dream come true; she does everything she can to bind him to her and join him in his comfortable life. Soon, however, odd …