It's hard to imagine a book illuminating the texture of everyday life more brilliantly, or capturing the truth of human emotions more honestly, than Ford does in his account of an alienated scribe in the New Jersey suburbs. Frank Bascombe, Ford's protagonist, clings to his almost villainous despair in a way that …

Dutch translation of Ford's "Independence Day". From back cover: "Frank Bascombe, veertiger en makelaar in New Jersey, heeft een bewogen leven achter de rug. Hij schermt zich nu af van verdriet en problemen door ze eenvoudig te negeren en gaat ervan uit dat ze zo vanzelf zullen verdwijnen. Aanvankelijk is Frank zeer …

The Lay of the Land is a 2006 novel by American author Richard Ford. The novel is the third in what is now a four part series, preceded by the novels The Sportswriter and Independence Day; and followed by Let Me Be Frank With You, a collection of "long" stories. Each of these books follows a portion of the life of …

Rock Springs is a highly regarded collection of short stories by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Ford, published in 1987 and largely dealing with dysfunctional mothers and fathers and their effects on young male narrators. As with his earlier novels A Piece of My Heart and The Ultimate Good Luck, Ford's stories …