Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, is a book by American philosopher Richard Rorty, based on two sets of lectures he gave at University College, London, and at Trinity College, Cambridge. In contrast to his earlier work, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Rorty mostly abandons attempts to explain his theories in …

Philosophy and Social Hope is a 1999 book written by philosopher Richard Rorty and published by Penguin. The book is a collection of cultural and political essays intended to reach a wider audience and, like his previous books, it presents Rorty's own version of pragmatism. 'Trotsky and the Wild Orchids' is the most …

『哲学と自然の鏡』とは1979年にアメリカの哲学者リチャード・ローティによって書かれた著作である。 スタンフォード大学の教授ローティはネオプラグマティズムの哲学者であり、研究の領域は哲学だけでなく文学や政治、社会にまで及んでいる。彼は現代哲学の観点からこれまでの哲学が担ってきた知的な役割を本書で批判的に検討し、話題を呼んだだけでなく1981年にはマッカーサー賞を受賞している。本書は三部構成となっており、第1部鏡のような人間の本質、第2部鏡に映すこと、第3部哲学から成り立っている。 …

Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America is a book by American philosopher Richard Rorty. In this book, Rorty differentiates between what he sees as the two sides of the Left, a critical Left and a progressive Left. He criticizes the critical Left, which is exemplified by post-structuralists …

Philosophy as Cultural Politics: Philosophical Papers: v.4 is a book by Richard Rorty, the late Professor of Comparative Literature, Emeritus, at Stanford University. A compilation of selected philosophical papers written by Rorty over the decade, 1997-2007, it complements three previous selections of his papers. …