Big Red Tequila is the first novel in Rick Riordan's prizewinning series Tres Navarre and his first ever published book. It is a fast-paced crime story about an unusually talented and flawed hero, Jackson "tres" Navarre, a third generation Texan. Tres has a PhD from Berkeley in Medieval Studies and English, works as …

Czerwona Piramida – pierwsza książka z serii Kroniki rodu Kane'ów, napisana przez amerykańskiego pisarza Ricka Riordana. Opowiada o rodzeństwie, które odkrywa, że światu grozi zagłada ze strony egipskich bogów.

From the bestselling author of PERCY JACKSON, Rick Riordan.Ana Dakkar is a freshman at Harding-Pencroft Academy, renowned for producing the best marine scientists, naval warriors and underwater explorers in the world.But, unlike the other students, the water is personal for Ana. After losing both of her parents on a …