This story is a memoir- an adventure story. In the summer of 1966 two schoolboys from new Jersey bought a dilapidated Piper Vub for $300.00, rebuilt it in their barn and took off on the journey of a lifetime across the Rickies to California.

On March 21, 2003, while leading a rifle platoon into combat, Marine Lieutenant Shane Childers became the first combat fatality of the Iraq War. In this gripping, beautifully written personal history, award-winning writer Rinker Buck chronicles Shane's death and his life, exploring its meaning for his family, his …

1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 1 Indie Next Pick Winner of the PEN New England Award Enchanting A book filled with so much love Long before Oregon Rinker Buck has convinced us that the best way to see America is from the seat of a covered wagon The Wall Street Journal Amazing A real nonfiction thriller Ian Frazier The …

Ask a person about his or her first job out of college, and you invariably open a floodgate of emotions, vivid anecdotes, and poignant reminiscences of an especially anxious, formative period of life. For many of us, the events of those first years of true adulthood remain permanently etched in our psyches, and the …