"You'll never get old." Each member of the class of 1980 has received the letter. Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen, who is on the organizing committee for Crozet High's twentieth reunion, decides to take it as a compliment. Others think it's a joke. But Mrs. Murphy senses trouble. And the sly tiger cat is soon proven …
The slicing Southern wit of Rita Mae Brown takes a slightly different tenor in this tale, claimed to be co-authored by Brown's cat, Sneaky Pie. There's also the voices of cats, dogs, horses, and mice in this tale, and things get fishy when several horse racing jockeys are murdered with daggers to the heart. Good thing …
Mrs. Murphy digs into Virginia history—and gets her paws on a killer.The most popular citizen of Virginia has been dead for nearly 170 years. That hasn't stopped the good people of tiny Crozet, Virginia, from taking pride in every aspect of Thomas Jefferson's life. But when an archaeological dig of the slave quarters …