This new rebrand of MORE ABOUT BOY is a favourite book containing a wealth of new photos, facts and writings about Roald Dahl and his childhood, together with the original text and illustrations from his much-loved memoir. With lots of little-known details, this is a must-have for all Dahl fans!Look out for new Roald …

Matilda İngiliz yazar Roald Dahl tarafından yazılan çocuk kitabı. Kitapta özel yetenekleri ve olağanüstü zekası olan Matilda Wormwood adında bir kızın hikayesi anlatılıyor. Kitap ilk olarak 1988 yılında yayımlandı. Aynı zamanda değiştirilerek ve bir film haline getirilmiştir.

PERFECT for fans of Roald Dahl.Think you know Dahl? Think again. There's still a whole world of Dahl to discover in a newly collected book of his deliciously dark tales for adults . . . 'There is a pleasure sure in being mad, which none but madmen know' Our greatest fear is of losing control - of our lives, but, most …