Pleasant Dreams: Nightmares is a collection of fantasy and horror short stories by author Robert Bloch. It was released in 1960 and was the author's second book published by Arkham House. It was released in an edition of 2,060 copies. The stories originally appeared in several magazines between 1946 and 1958. The …

Psycho è un romanzo del 1959 di Robert Bloch. È il più famoso romanzo dello scrittore statunitense, da cui è stato tratto l'omonimo film di Alfred Hitchcock. Nella prima edizione italiana il titolo originale del romanzo venne cambiato in Il passato che urla, probabilmente perché la parola "Psycho" era difficilmente …

Psycho House è un romanzo del 1990 di Robert Bloch. È il terzo episodio della serie, dopo Psycho e Psycho II.

Psycho II is a 1982 novel that Robert Bloch wrote as a sequel to his 1959 novel Psycho. The novel was completed before the screenplay was written for the unrelated 1983 film Psycho II. According to Bloch, Universal Pictures loathed the novel, which was intended to critique Hollywood splatter films. A different story …