A Cthulhu Mythos anthology is a type of short story collection that contains stories written in or related to the Cthulhu Mythos genre of horror fiction launched by H. P. Lovecraft. Such anthologies have helped to define and popularize the genre.

Résumé : Sa mère est folle : Norman le sait, mais il l'aime trop pour l'envoyer à l'asile. Alors il se débarrasse des cadavres... Mary vient de dérober 40 000 dollars à son patron. Partie retrouver son fiancé, elle s'arrête pour la nuit dans un motel isolé. Le propriétaire, un grand garçon à l'air timide, finit par …

Psycho II is a 1982 novel that Robert Bloch wrote as a sequel to his 1959 novel Psycho. The novel was completed before the screenplay was written for the unrelated 1983 film Psycho II. According to Bloch, Universal Pictures loathed the novel, which was intended to critique Hollywood splatter films. A different story …

American Gothic is a 1974 psychological horror novel by Robert Bloch and is a fictionalized portrayal of real life serial killer H. H. Holmes, who is renamed "G. Gordon Gregg" for the story.