Lustrum is a historical novel by British author Robert Harris. It is the sequel to Imperium and the middle volume of a trilogy about the life of Cicero. For its 2010 release in the United States, and Italy, it was retitled Conspirata. The book continues in the format of the first novel, with the story told in the …

Pompeji on vuonna 2003 julkaistu Robert Harrisin jännitysromaani, jonka tapahtumat sijoittuvat antiikin Roomaan, Pompejin kaupunkiin, jossa tapahtui kuuluisa tulivuorenpurkaus vuonna 79.

FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF FATHERLAND, CONCLAVE AND AN OFFICER AND A SPY. September 1938 Hitler is determined to start a war. Chamberlain is desperate to preserve the peace. The issue is to be decided in a city that will forever afterwards be notorious for what takes place there. Munich. As Chamberlain's plane …