Měsíc je drsná milenka je vědecko-fantastický román amerického spisovatele Roberta A. Heinleina vydaný roku 1966. Tento román je označován za jeho nejlepší dílo, roku 1967 také získal ocenění Hugo. Ústředními motivy knihy jsou kolonizace Měsíce a polidštění umělé inteligence. V díle jsou jasné prvky liberalismu, …
Methuselah's Children is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialized in Astounding Science Fiction in the July, August, and September 1941 issues. It was expanded into a full-length novel in 1958. The novel is usually considered to be part of Heinlein's Future History series of stories. It …
Between Planets is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialized in Blue Book magazine in 1951 as "Planets in Combat". It was published in hardcover that year by Scribner's as part of the Heinlein juveniles.
The Past Through Tomorrow is a collection of Robert A. Heinlein's Future History stories. Most of the stories are part of a larger storyline of a rapidly collapsing American sanity, followed by a theocratic dictatorship. A revolution overthrows the theocracy and establishes a free society which, nonetheless, does not …