I ponti di Madison County è un romanzo best-seller del 1992 di Robert James Waller che narra la storia di una donna sposata ma sola, che vive nella Contea di Madison negli anni sessanta e della relazione di questa con un fotografo del National Geographic che è in visita alla contea per un servizio fotografico sui …

The author of the phenomenal New York Times bestseller The Bridges of Madison County once again brings characters and situations with his special blend of lyricism and magic. This is a bittersweet story about two good people who discover that true love, when it comes, is rarely fair, or right--or without pain.

A Thousand Country Roads is a 2002 novel by Robert James Waller. It is the epilogue to The Bridges of Madison County which was published in 1992. The book was written in order to appeal to fan interest in the story of Robert Kincaid and Francesca Johnson after their four-day affair.

Most people don't run out the back door of a place called the Rainbow Bar in Dillon, Minnesota, with someone they don't even know, get in a pickup truck, drive all day, and end up without any clothes on in a motel room. But that's what Texas Jack Carmine did with Linda Lobo. It was the kind of thing Jack was famous …

Puerto Vallarta Squeeze is a novel by Robert James Waller, which was made into a film in 2004. Originally published in 1995 and subtitled The Run for el Norte, this unlikely romance follows an American expatriate and his Mexican girlfriend on a road trip with a former Marine. The title itself may refer to the …

Robert Kincaid è un singolare, quasi mistico viaggiatore dei deserti asiatici, di fiumi lontani, di antiche città, un uomo che sembra non appartenere al suo tempo. Francesca Johnson, un'italiana giunta in America come sposa di guerra, vive tra le colline dello Iowa meridionale e, di tanto in tanto, torna col pensiero …