Dragon's Egg is a hard science fiction novel written by Robert L. Forward and published in 1980. In the story, Dragon's Egg is a neutron star with a surface gravity 67 billion times that of Earth, and inhabited by cheela, intelligent creatures the size of a sesame seed who live, think and develop a million times …

Rocheworld is a science fiction novel by Robert Forward in which he uses a light sail propulsion system to set the crew on an interstellar mission. The spaceship and crew of 20 have to travel 5.9 light-years to the double planet that orbits Barnard's Star, which they call Rocheworld. Its sequels include Return to …

Starquake is a science fiction novel written by Robert L. Forward and published in 1989. The novel is about the life of the Cheela civilization, creatures who live on a neutron star named Dragon's Egg, struggling to recover from a disastrous starquake. The novel was listed by theoretical physicist Sean M. Carroll as …

Camelot 30K is a hard science fiction novel written by the United States physicist Robert L. Forward. It was published in 1993 by Tor Books. The story mainly deals with the concept of human contact and interaction with a kingdom of intelligent alien life that dwells on a frozen world where the ambient temperature is …

Ocean Under the Ice is a science fiction novel by Robert L. Forward. It is part of the Rocheworld series, about an expedition to explore planets found in orbit around Barnard's Star. It was written after Marooned on Eden, but is before it in the continuity. This is the third book in the continuity.