Tres is a collection of poems by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño, originally published in Spanish in 2000 and scheduled to be published in a bilingual edition in September 2011, translated into English by Laura Healy. The collection is composed of three sections: “Prose from Autumn in Gerona” - a series of prose …

National BestsellerIn this dazzling novel, the book that established his international reputation, Roberto Bolaño tells the story of two modern-day Quixotes--the last survivors of an underground literary movement, perhaps of literature itself--on a tragicomic quest through a darkening, entropic universe: our own. The …

Monsieur Pain is a short novel by Chilean author Roberto Bolaño. Written in 1981-1982, it was originally published in 1984 under the title La senda de los elefantes by the City Council of Toledo, Spain, as the winning story of its "Félix Urabayen Prize". The book was reprinted in 1999 under its final Spanish title, …

The Romantic Dogs is a collection of poems by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño. It was published in 2006. The bilingual edition, with English translations by Laura Healy, was published by New Directions in 2008. These 43 poems span nearly twenty years, from 1980 to 1998, embracing a wide variety of topics. Bolaño's …

Last Evenings on Earth is a collection of short stories by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño, published in 1997 with a translation into English by Chris Andrews published in 2006. The stories in this volume were selected from two Spanish language collections, Llamadas Telefonicas, and Putas Asesinas. The remaining …