A Haláltusa Robin Cook tizennegyedik, 1993-ban, eredetileg angolul megjelent regénye, melynek fő témája a rákkutatás. A cselekmény – többek között – a bűn városában, Miamiban történik. Haláltusa - A rák nem válogat. Vagy mégis? címen is ismert.
Acceptable Risk is a 1995 novel by American author Robin Cook. A scientist discovers a mold in a spooky old house he lives in with his girlfriend. In order to test his theory that the discovery could help people feel calm in extreme situations, the scientist injects himself and his fellow scientists with the mold. The …
The novel Mortal Fear by Robin Cook in 1988 deals with the issues of euthanasia hospital and increasing cost of keeping elderly people alive. The piece's villain espouses views that the elderly and incapacitated deserve to die in order to lighten the burden on the overtaxed medical system—quite contrary to the view of …