Mutation is a book written by Robin Cook about the ethics of genetic engineering. It brings up the benefits, risks, and consequences.

Seizure is the 2003 novel by American author Robin Cook which explores the concerns raised by advances in therapeutic cloning. It debuted at Number 6 on The New York Times Best Seller list on August 3, 2003. It remained on the best seller list for three weeks. In November 2004 it appeared on the paperback best seller …

Sphinx is a 1979 novel by Robin Cook. Unlike most of his novels, its theme is Egyptology and the modern black market in antiquities rather than medicine. Set in 1980, mainly in Egypt, it deals with a young American Egyptologist named Erica Baron on a working vacation in Egypt who finds herself sucked into a dangerous …

Śmiertelny Strach – książka autorstwa amerykańskiego pisarza Robina Cooka. Autor zadedykował ją swojemu rodzeństwu. Słynny genetyk dokonuje rewolucyjnego odkrycia medycznego, jednak szybko umiera w tajemniczych okolicznościach. W szpitalu, gdzie pracował, zaczynają mnożyć się przypadki śmierci pacjentów w średnim …