Jake Mendoza lives at the Makepeace Institute of Integrated Dragon Studies in Smokehill National Park. Smokehill is home to about two hundred of the few remaining draco australiensis, which is extinct in the wild. Keeping a preserve for dragons is controversial: detractors say dragons are extremely dangerous and …

The Door in the Hedge is a collection of fairy tales by Robin McKinley, published by William Morrow and Company under its Greenwillow Books imprint in 1981. It includes two original stories and two retellings. "The Stolen Princess" "The Princess and the Frog", a version of "The Frog Prince" "The Hunting of the Hind" …

Offers a fantastical tale about Chalice, a member of the Master's Circle who is responsible for binding the group to the new Master of Willowlands, a Priest of Fire who has been pulled back into the human world by the death of someone she loves. 35,000 first printing.

The Outlaws of Sherwood is a retelling of the legend of Robin Hood by Robin McKinley. In McKinley's Afterword, the history of the tales of Robin Hood is described as "the retellings through the centuries have echoed concurrent preoccupations." The story includes both the traditional Robin Hood characters like Little …