Eye of Cat is a 1982 science fiction novel written by Roger Zelazny. It was among his five personal favorite novels from his own oeuvre.

The Changing Land is a Locus Award nominated fantasy novel written by Roger Zelazny, first published in 1981. The novel resolves the storyline from the various Dilvish, the Damned short stories Elements of the story intentionally reflect the work of H. P. Lovecraft and Frank Belknap Long, including the Hounds of …

Dilvish il maledetto è un'antologia di racconti fantasy di Roger Zelazny pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1982 composta per la maggior parte da racconti originariamente pubblicati su varie riviste. Il titolo inizialmente proposto da Zelazny per l'antologia fu Nine Black Doves che successivamente riutilizzerà per il …

Donnerjack is a science fiction novel begun by American author Roger Zelazny; completed by his companion Jane Lindskold after his death, it was published 1997. The original title of the book was "Donnerjack, of Virtú". Initially, Zelazny intended for it to be the first of an ambitious trilogy, with the two sequels …

Frost & Fire is a 288-page collection of short stories and essays by Roger Zelazny. It was printed in 1989 by William Morrow.

Today We Choose Faces is a 1973 science fiction novel by Roger Zelazny. As originally constructed, Part 1 was an extensive flashback which followed Part 2, but the order of the sections was changed at the request of editor David Hartwell, who felt that the novel worked better in chronological order. Zelazny later …