A Dark-Adapted Eye is a psychological thriller novel by Ruth Rendell, written under the nom-de-plume Barbara Vine. The novel won the American Edgar Award. It was adapted as a television film of the same name in 1994 by the BBC.
The Lake of Darkness is a novel by British writer Ruth Rendell, first published in 1980. It won the Arts Council National Book Award for Genre Fiction in 1981. The title comes from a quotation from Shakespeare's King Lear: "Frateretto calls me; and tells me Nero is an angler in the lake of darkness. Pray, innocent, …
Murder Being Once Done is a novel by British crime-writer Ruth Rendell, first published in 1972. It is the seventh entry in her popular Inspector Wexford series.
Means of Evil is a collection of short stories by British writer Ruth Rendell. All the stories feature her popular protagonist Inspector Wexford, and fill in important gaps in the chronology of the series, such as Inspector Burden's second marriage. They are not considered part of the novel series, but are certainly …