image of Ryan North

Ryan North

... Unknown

Abatorul cinci sau Cruciada copiilor este un roman satiric științifico-fantastic scris de Kurt Vonnegut despre experiențele din cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial și călătoriile prin timp ale unui soldat numit Billy Pilgrim. Considerat al optsprezecelea cel mai important roman în limba engleză din secolul 20 de către …

... Unknown

Machine of Death is a 2010 collection of science fiction short stories edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, and David Malki. All of the stories center around a device which, when provided with a blood sample, can identify the way a person will die. The machine relays this information by printing a short word or …

... Unknown

To Be or Not To Be is a choose-your-own-path version of Hamlet by New York Times best-selling author Ryan North. Play as Hamlet, Ophelia, or King Hamlet--if you want to die on the first page and play as a ghost. It's pretty awesome! Readers can follow Yorick skull markers to stick closely to Shakespeare's plot, or go …

... Unknown

An NPR Best Book of 2018 "How to Invent Everything is such a cool book. It's essential reading for anyone who needs to duplicate an industrial civilization quickly." --Randall Munroe, xkcd creator and New York Times-bestselling author of What If? The only book you need if you're going back in time What would you do if …

... Unknown
... Unknown

In 1984, George Gipe was contracted to write the novelization of the movie Back To The Future. He was supplied with a screenplay still in flux, writing his novelization even as the movie itself was being rewritten and as major roles were being recast (Michael J. Fox was not the first person to play Marty McFly). …