Om Begrebet Ironi med stadigt Hensyn til Socrates er Søren Kierkegaards universitetsavhandling fra 1841. Avhandlingen var kulminasjonen av tre års intensivt studie av Sokrates, sett fra Xenofons, Aristofanes og Platons synsvinkler. Hans avhandling omhandlet ironi, og spesielt sokratisk ironi. Kierkegaard mener at …
Practice in Christianity is a work by 19th century theologian Søren Kierkegaard. It was published on September 27, 1850 under the pseudonym Anti-Climacus, the author of The Sickness Unto Death. Kierkegaard considered it to be his "most perfect and truest book". In it, the theologian fully exposes his conception of the …
Stages on Life's Way is a philosophical work by Søren Kierkegaard written in 1845. The book was written as a continuation of Kierkegaard's masterpiece Either/Or. While Either/Or is about the aesthetic and ethical realms, Stages continues onward to the consideration of the religious realms. Kierkegaard's "concern was …