image of Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie

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Keskiyön lapset on Salman Rushdien vuonna 1981 julkaistu romaani. Se oli Rushdien kansainvälinen läpimurtoteos ja se sai ilmestymisvuotenaan Booker-palkinnon. Vuosina 1993 ja 2008 romaani sai erityisen "Bookerien Booker" –palkinnon, eli se valittiin parhaaksi Booker-palkituksi kirjaksi palkinnon 25- ja …

... Unknown

Saatanalliset säkeet on Salman Rushdien neljäs romaani. Se julkaistiin vuonna 1988. Se on saanut innoituksensa islamin profeetan Muhammadin elämästä ja saatanallisista jakeista. Kirja laukaisi ilmestyessään vastalauseiden ryöpyn ympäri islamilaista maailmaa, ja Ruhollah Khomeini langetti Rushdielle kuolemantuomion. …

... Unknown

Harun ja tarinoiden meri on Salman Rushdien vuonna 1990 ilmestynyt romaani.

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Firenzen lumoojatar on Salman Rushdien vuonna 2008 ilmestynyt romaani. Arto Häilän suomennos ilmestyi vuonna 2010 WSOY:n Aikamme kertojia -sarjassa.

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Moares 'Moor' Zogoiby is a 'high-born crossbreed', the last surviving scion of a dynasty of Cochinise spice merchants and crime lords. He is also a compulsive storyteller and an exile. As he travels a route that takes him from India to Spain, he leaves behind a labyrinthine tale of mad passions and volcanic family …

... Unknown

Shalimar the Clown is a 2005 novel by Salman Rushdie, the author of The Satanic Verses and Midnight's Children. Shalimar the Clown was initially published on September 6, 2005 by Jonathan Cape and has attracted significant attention, comparable to his earlier publications, particularly The Moor's Last Sigh and …

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The Ground Beneath Her Feet is Salman Rushdie's sixth novel. Published in 1999, it is a variation on the Orpheus/Eurydice myth with rock music replacing Orpheus' lyre. The myth works as a red thread from which the author sometimes strays, but to which he attaches an endless series of references. The book, while at its …

... Unknown

Fury, published in 2001, is the seventh novel by postcolonial author Salman Rushdie. Rushdie deploys a Roman conceit as an extended metaphor throughout the novel as he depicts contemporary New York City as the epicenter of globalization and all of its tragic flaws.

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Shame is Salman Rushdie's third novel, published in 1983. Like most of Rushdie's work, this book was written in the style of magic realism. It portrays the lives of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq and their relationship. The central theme of the novel is that violence is born out of shame. The …

... Unknown

East, West is a 1994 anthology of short stories by Salman Rushdie. The book is divided into three main sections, entitled "East", "West", and "East, West", each section containing stories from their respective geographical areas. Though Rushdie himself never divulged the exact inspirations for his stories in East, …