The war was over. The great computer which had arranged and directed the complex military operations of that future nation was to be dismantled. But the computer had become expert in the science of self-defence...and it resisted. The government buildings were blasted. Rockets rained on the great city, and the Empire …

Dark Reflections is a novel by Samuel R. Delany, published in 2007 by Carroll & Graf, an imprint of Avalon Publishing Group. In 2008 it received a Stonewall Book Award and was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award for Gay Men's Fiction.

Distant Stars is a 1981 collection of short stories by Samuel R. Delany. Many of the stories originally appeared in the magazines The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Algol and New Worlds, while the novella Empire Star was originally published as an Ace Double with Tree Lord of Imeten by Tom Purdom.

Driftglass/Starshards is a 1993 collection of short stories by Samuel R. Delany. The collection contains the entire contents of Delany's 1971 collection, Driftglass, stories from Distant Stars and others that had not previously been collected. Many of the stories originally appeared in the magazines Worlds of …