Umysł zamknięty – utwór autorstwa Allana Blooma, wydany w roku 1987, będący krytyką ówczesnej kultury amerykańskiej z konserwatywnego punktu widzenia. Bloom zarzuca społeczeństwu amerykańskiemu relatywizm, pozorny egalitaryzm, niezdolność do budowania prawdziwych hierarchii wartości, płytkość.

The Victim is a novel by Saul Bellow published in 1947. As in much of Bellow's fiction, the protagonist is a Jewish man in early middle age. Leventhal lives in New York City. While his wife is away on family business, Leventhal is haunted by an old acquaintance who unjustly claims that Leventhal has been the cause of …

The Dean's December is a 1982 novel by the American author Saul Bellow. The first novel Bellow published after winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, it is set in Chicago and Bucharest. The book's main character, Albert Corde, a meditative academic who faces a crisis, accompanies his Romanian-born …

The Bellarosa Connection is a 1989 novella by the American author Saul Bellow. The book takes the form of an ongoing dialogue between the Fonstein family about the impact of the Jewish Holocaust. This is an especially significant story as it represents, along with Mr. Sammler's Planet, Bellow's most significant …