只有擁有完美生活指南的便利店,才能讓我得以成為這世界正常的「零件」。 到底,什麼是所謂的「正常」? 和這社會不一樣,真的不行嗎? 36歲未婚女性古倉惠子,大學畢業後沒有就職, 在便利店打工已歷經18個年頭,至今未交過男朋友。 從日色町站前的微笑超商開店起,便一直在該店工作,不斷目送同事更迭,店長也已是第八任了。每天吃的是便利店賣的食物,喝的是便利店的水,就連睡著都夢到自己在櫃檯收銀,望著清爽乾淨宛如透明盒子的便利店景象。 …
From the beloved author of cult sensation Convenience Store Woman, which has now sold more than one million copies worldwide and has been translated into thirty-three languages, comes a spellbinding and otherworldly novel about a woman who believes she is an alien Sayaka Murata's Convenience Store Woman was one of …
Meet Keiko. Keiko is 36 years old. She's never had a boyfriend, and she's been working in the same supermarket for eighteen years. Keiko's family wishes she'd get a proper job. Her friends wonder why she won't get married. But Keiko knows what makes her happy, and she's not going to let anyone come between her and her …