Ordinary Heroes, published in 2005, is a novel by Scott Turow. It tells the story of Stewart Dubinsky, a journalist who uncovers writings of his father while going through his things following his funeral. The novel, told in first person, traces Stewart's uncovering of his father David's role in World War II in the …
The Laws of Our Fathers, published in 1996, is Scott Turow's fourth and longest novel, at 832 pages.
Limitations is a novel by Scott Turow which was published in 2006. It is by far his shortest novel and prior to publication as a novel was released as a serial story in the Sunday New York Times Magazine.
Pleading Guilty, published in 1993, is Scott Turow's third novel, and like the previous two it is set in fictional Kindle County. The novel begins with a middle-aged lawyer, basically waiting to retire, being assigned by his firm to track down another attorney who has embezzled millions from the firm and disappeared. …
Presumed Innocent, published in August 1987, is Scott Turow's first novel, which tells the story of a prosecutor charged with the murder of his colleague, an attractive and intelligent prosecutor, Carolyn Polhemus. It is told in the first person by the accused, Rožat "Rusty" Sabich. A motion picture adaptation …
Reversible Errors, published in 2002 is Scott Turow's sixth novel, and like the others, set in fictional Kindle County. The novel won the 2003 Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize for Fiction. The title is a legal term. The novel revolves around three 1991 murders for which Rommy Gandolph was convicted. It begins with …