This is the first French grammar designed specifically for adults with limited learning time who wish to acquire a knowledge of simple, everyday spoken French, and who have no need of all the archaic, highly literary, and seldom used forms that must be covered in a conventional grammar. It is not a simplified study, …

Inspiring treasury of 40 poems ranging from the time of the Conquest to the first half of the 20th century. Works by Martí, Dario, Nervo, Mistral, Neruda, and many other poets are presented in their original Spanish-American versions with new literal English translations on facing pages. Brief biographical notes on …

Personas de habla Española que quieren aumentar su vocabulario inglés tienen aquí una ayuda indispensable. Se incluyen traducciónes de palabras communes en doce diferentes categorías: familia, días, meses, estaciones, números, colores, alimentos, partes del cuerpo, tiendas, oficios, avisos al público, y animals. La …