Feel that War and Peace went on a bit? Wish there were more laughs in Catcher in the Rye? Very cross that The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo had no references to three-time world hotdog-eating champion, Joey Chestnut? Then Smithereens is for you. At only 300 pages you can knock it off during one of the ad breaks on …

<p><i>The President’s Desk</i> is the story of America as seen through the eyes of its most powerful piece of furniture. Standing in the most important office in the land for over a hundred years, it has been sat at by no less than twenty-four of the greatest men who ever lived (I’m leaving …

Shaun Micallef is without doubt Australia's premier comedian, writer, producer, presenter, actor, author, broadcaster, bon vivant, gadfly, troubadour, dancer, impresario, acrobat, lion tamer, poet and elite sportsman. But did you know that he is also an internationally renowned playwright? No? Typical. It really is a …