'Zeit der Vergeltung' - Mit großem persönlichem und finanziellem Einsatz unterstützt die junge, ehrgeizige Leslie den Kandidaten für den Gouverneursposten des Staates Kentucky, Oliver Russell. Alles setzt sie daran, diesen charismatischen Politiker zu heiraten. Das böse Erwachen folgt jedoch bald - Oliver ehelicht die …

The Doomsday Conspiracy is a thriller novel by American writer Sidney Sheldon published in 1991. The story concerns an American naval officer who encounters a mysterious force during an investigation in a balloon accident in the Swiss Alps.

The Naked Face is the first novel written by Sidney Sheldon. It was nominated by the Mystery Writers of America for the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best First Novel by an American Author. In 1983 the novel was adapted as a film directed by Bryan Forbes, starring Roger Moore and Rod Steiger.

The Other Side Of Me is the autobiographical memoirs of American writer Sidney Sheldon published in 2005. It was also his final book.

The Sands of Time is a 1988 action novel by author Sidney Sheldon. A best-seller, the novel follows the adventures of four women who are forced to leave their Spanish convent for the outside world of threat, violence and passions; and two men who are pitted against each other in a fight to the death.

The Sky Is Falling is a 2001 crime novel by Sidney Sheldon. It is his third last book before his death in 2007. The book focuses on Dana Evans, a TV anchorwoman trying to find the killer who murdered the Winthrop family.