When Andrew Wiles of Princeton University announced a solution of Fermat's last theorem in 1993, it electrified the world of mathematics. After a flaw was discovered in the proof, Wiles had to work for another year--he had already labored in solitude for seven years--to establish that he had solved the 350-year-old …

Kodboken är en bok av Simon Singh som handlar om kryptografins historia. Boken utgavs på engelska 1999. Här står det bland annat om Vieté-chiffer, Enigma-chiffret, RSA-kryptering och framtidens kvantkryptering. Boken innehåller också en kodtävling som har avgjorts.

Big Bang: The most important scientific discovery of all time and why you need to know about it is a book written by Simon Singh and published in 2004 by Fourth Estate. Big Bang chronicles the history and development of the Big Bang model of the universe, from the ancient Greek scientists who first measured the …