Os Delírios de Consumo de Becky Bloom é o primeiro livro da popular serie Shopaholic de Sophie Kinsella.

Em O Segredo De Emma Corrigan, Sophie Kinsella segue a receita que fez da série Os delírios de consumo de Becky Bloom sucesso de público - foram mais de 35 mil exemplares vendidos só no Brasil - e crítica. Com humor e muito charme, ela nos apresenta a Emma, uma inglesa perto dos 30 anos, mas longe de uma definição na …

The Undomestic Goddess is Sophie Kinsella's second "stand-alone" novel, published by Dial Press Trade Paperback on April 2006.

Shopaholic Abroad is the second in the Shopaholic series. It is an adventure novel by Sophie Kinsella, a pseudonym of Madeline Wickham. It follows the story of Becky Bloomwood and her adventures when she's offered the chance to work in New York.

Shopaholic Ties the Knot is the third in the popular Shopaholic series. It is a chick-lit novel by Sophie Kinsella, a pseudonym of Madeline Wickham. It follows the story of Becky Bloomwood and her boyfriend Luke Brandon as they become engaged and plan their wedding.

Remember Me? is a 2008 novel by the author Madeleine Wickham under the pseudonym Sophie Kinsella. It is about Lexi Smart, a woman who has insecurities about herself until she experiences amnesia after a car accident. When she wakes up in the hospital she finds that she is a completely different person: she thinks it’s …