Electra or Elektra is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles. Its date is not known, but various stylistic similarities with the Philoctetes and the Oedipus at Colonus lead scholars to suppose that it was written towards the end of Sophocles' career. Set in the city of Argos a few years after the Trojan war, it recounts the …

The curse placed on Oedipus lingers and haunts a younger generation in this new and brilliant translation of Sophocles' classic drama. The daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, Antigone is an unconventional heroine who pits her beliefs against the King of Thebes in a bloody test of wills that leaves few unharmed. Emotions …

1. Govoreče: Ojdipus, tebanski kralj Jokasta, tebanska kraljica Kreon, Jokastin brat Tejrezias, videc Sel iz Korinta Pastir Služabnik na Ojdipovem dvoru Zbor tebanskih starešin 2. Neme: Deček, ki spremlja slepega vidca Tejrezia Antigona, Ojdipova hčerka Ismena, Ojdipova hčerka Spremljevalci Ojdipa, Kreonta in …