image of Станіслав Лем

Станіслав Лем

* September 12, 1921 in Poland - † in Poland
... Unknown

«Соляріс» — роман письменника-фантаста Станіслава Лема. Роман присвячено пошуку контакту з мислячим Океаном екзопланети Соляріс. Водночас, в романі піднято філософсько-етичні проблеми пізнання світу, антропоцентризму, людяності, та, власне, відповідальності за все, що робить людина, як на Землі, так і за її …

... Unknown

Кіберіада — збірка казок Станіслава Лема. Побачила світ у 1965 році. У казках розповідаються пригоди двох винахідливих конструкторів Трурля й Кляпавція.

... Unknown

Bringing his twin gifts of scientific speculation and scathing satire to bear on that hapless planet, Earth, Lem sends his unlucky cosmonaut, Ijon Tichy, to the Eighth Futurological Congress. Caught up in local revolution, Tichy is shot and so critically wounded that he is flashfrozen to await a future cure. …

... Unknown

Ijon Tichy, Lem's Candide of the Cosmos, encounters bizarre civilizations and creatures in space that serve to satirize science, the rational mind, theology, and other icons of human pride. Line drawings by the Author. Translated by Michael Kandel. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book Ijon Tichy, Lem's Candide of the Cosmos, …

... Unknown

His Master's Voice is a science fiction novel written by Stanisław Lem, first published in 1968. It was translated into English by Michael Kandel in 1983. It is a densely philosophical first contact story about an effort by scientists to decode, translate and understand an extraterrestrial transmission. The novel …

... Unknown

Memoirs Found in a Bathtub is a science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem first published in 1961. It was first published in English in 1973; a second edition was published in 1986.

... Unknown

From 'A giant of twentieth-century science fiction' (Guardian), the adventures of Pirx, a hapless everyman in outer space'By now he fancied himself something of a rocket jockey, a space ace, whose real home was among the planets'In a future where space travel has become routine and unremarkable, Pirx the pilot bumbles …

... Unknown

Return from the Stars is a science fiction novel by Polish author Stanisław Lem. Written in 1961, it revolves around the story of a cosmonaut returning to his homeworld, Earth, and finding it a completely different place than when he left. The novel touches among the ideas of alienation, culture shock and dystopias. …

... Unknown

«Фіа́ско» — філософський роман польського письменника-фантаста Станіслава Лема, опублікований у 1987 р.; праця, у котрій міститься підсумок усієї його творчості. Головна ідея роману — глибокий песимізм з приводу контакту різних цивілізацій, оскільки їх розмежовує не відстань, а культура та …

... Unknown

The Invincible is a science fiction novel written by Stanisław Lem and published in 1964. The Invincible originally appeared as the title story in Lem's collection Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania. A translation into German was published in 1967; an English translation by Wendayne Ackerman of the German translation …