Peace on Earth is a 1987 science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem. The novel describes, in a satirical tone, the ultimate implications of the arms race. The evolution of artificial intelligence has allowed major world powers to sign a rather curious treaty: the Moon is divided into national zones and all weapons …
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub is a science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem first published in 1961. It was first published in English in 1973; a second edition was published in 1986.
Stanisław Lem's Tales of Pirx the Pilot published in Latvia in 1966, Poland in 1968, and translated to English in two parts in 1979 and 1982, is a series of short stories about a spaceship pilot named Pirx. They are some of the best known works of Lem, having been added to the required curriculum for Polish …