The Chain of Chance is a science fiction/detective novel by the Polish writer Stanisław Lem, published in 1975. Lem's treatment of the detective genre introduces many nontraditional elements. The reader is prompted not only to consider various suspects as possible culprits in a series of murders, but also the …
'On one side of the ducats was stamped the radiant profile of Archithorius, on the other - an image of his six hundred arms' Mortal Engines is a selection of the best of Stanislaw Lem's extraordinary miniature space epics, chosen by his heroic translator Michael Kandel, who has somehow battled through Lem's jokes, …
A Legyőzhetetlen Stanisław Lem 1964-ben megjelent sci-fi regénye, mely Magyarországon először a Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó Kozmosz Könyvek sorozatában jelent meg 1967-ben.
Fiasco is a science fiction novel by Polish author Stanisław Lem, first published in a German translation in 1986. The book, published in Poland the following year, is a further elaboration of Lem's skepticism: in Lem's opinion, the difficulty in communication with alien civilizations is cultural, rather than spatial, …
Return from the Stars is a science fiction novel by Polish author Stanisław Lem. Written in 1961, it revolves around the story of a cosmonaut returning to his homeworld, Earth, and finding it a completely different place than when he left. The novel touches among the ideas of alienation, culture shock and dystopias. …
A Pirx pilóta kalandjai Stanisław Lem lengyel sci-fi író novelláskötete. Lengyelországban 1968-ban jelent meg, magyarul az Európa Könyvkiadónál Murányi Beatrix fordításában 1970-ben. A novellák egy űrhajós életének epizódjait mesélik el, diákéveitől tapasztalt űrveterán koráig; ifjúsági regényre emlékeztető stílusuk …
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub is a science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem first published in 1961. It was first published in English in 1973; a second edition was published in 1986.
Az Úr hangja Stanisław Lem tudományos-fantasztikus regénye, mely először 1968-ban jelent meg. Filozofikus hangvételű mű - Lem kedvelt témájáról - az idegen civilizációkkal való kapcsolatteremtés nehézségeiről. A mű értelmezése és szövegezése feltételez alapvető filozófiai ismereteket. 1983-ban angolra is lefordítják, …
Ijon Tichy, Lem's Candide of the Cosmos, encounters bizarre civilizations and creatures in space that serve to satirize science, the rational mind, theology, and other icons of human pride. Line drawings by the Author. Translated by Michael Kandel. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book Ijon Tichy, Lem's Candide of the Cosmos, …
Bringing his twin gifts of scientific speculation and scathing satire to bear on that hapless planet, Earth, Lem sends his unlucky cosmonaut, Ijon Tichy, to the Eighth Futurological Congress. Caught up in local revolution, Tichy is shot and so critically wounded that he is flashfrozen to await a future cure. …