Kompania braci – książka historyczna autorstwa Stephena Ambrose' a, opowiadająca o losach kompanii E 506 pułku 101 Dywizji Powietrznodesantowej od chwili sformowania do rozwiązania. Na jej podstawie powstał dziesięcioodcinkowy serial telewizyjny o tym samym tytule emitowany przez telewizję HBO.

A biography of Meriwether Lewis that relies heavily on the journals of both Lewis and Clark, this book is also backed up by the author's personal travels along Lewis and Clark's route to the Pacific. Ambrose is not content to simply chronicle the events of the "Corps of Discovery" as the explorers called their …

Obywatele w mundurach – książka historyczna autorstwa Stephena Ambrose'a traktująca o działaniach zbrojnych na froncie zachodnim podczas II wojny światowej, zarówno z punktu widzenia aliantów, jak i Niemców. Książka stała się amerykańskim bestsellerem. Przychylne stanowisko wobec niej zajął m.in. gen. Colin Powell …

"Nothing Like It In the World" is a narrative history of the planning and construction of the Pacific Railroad during the 1860s which connected the San Francisco Bay and Council Bluffs, Iowa by rail. Written by popular historian Stephen Ambrose, it was first published in August 2000, by Simon & Schuster.

The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys who Flew the B-24s over Germany, by historian Stephen Ambrose, was published in 2001. The book details the lives and World War II experiences of pilots, bombardier, navigators, radio operators and gunners flying B-24s of the U.S. Army Air Forces against Nazi Germany. It includes a …

First released in 2002, To America is the somewhat-autobiography and memoir of Stephen Ambrose. The book talks about his perspective on issues throughout American History, as well as his various experiences that have slowly shaped him into the person he was. It also covers topics, such as Western expansion and The …