The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time is a book on the theoretical physics of spacetime, written by Stephen Hawking and George Ellis and published in 1973 by Cambridge University Press. The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time is an in-depth 384-page long science book co-written by Stephen Hawking and George Ellis. …

The Nature of Space and Time is a book that documents a debate on physics and the philosophy of physics between the British theoretical physicists Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking . The book was published by Princeton University Press in 1996. The event that is featured in the book took place in 1994 at the …

Stephen Hawking is widely believed to be one of the world’s greatest minds: a brilliant theoretical physicist whose work helped to reconfigure models of the universe and to redefine what’s in it. Imagine sitting in a room listening to Hawking discuss these achievements and place them in historical context. It would be …

《大設計》是英國天文物理學家史蒂芬·霍金和美國加州理工學院教授倫納德·姆沃迪瑙的科學普及著作,於2010年9月7日出版。書中論證宇宙可依照科學原理而渾然天成,不須向上帝過問,因此而遭到英國天主教、基督教、猶太教及伊斯蘭教等宗教神話人士的抨擊。 …