An Amazon Best Book of the Month, September 2013: What ever happened to Danny Torrance? For the 36 years since The Shining was first published, the answer has been left to our imaginations. Finally we catch up with Dan as his creator envisions him: a flawed middle-aged man with a tragic past -- his special gift, …

Dolores Claiborne er en roman af Stephen King fra 1993. Bogen udkom på dansk i 1994 og blev filmatiseret i 1995 med Kathy Bates i titelrollen. Romanen omhandler Dolores Claiborne, en fattig, grim kvinde hvis liv har været én lang prøvelse. Indledningsvis møder man Dolores op i årene hvor hun arbejder for den tykke og …

The Eyes of the Dragon is a novel by Stephen King that was first published as a limited edition slipcased hardcover by Philtrum Press in 1984, illustrated by Kenneth R. Linkhauser. The novel would later be published for the mass market by Viking in 1987, with illustrations by David Palladini. This trade edition was …